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Please note: Your browser does not fully support some of the features used on Addgene's website. If you run into any problems registering, depositing, or ordering please contact us at [email protected]. Learn more

Create an Addgene account to access more features

Recaptcha Step: Please verify that you are a human

Step 1: Select Your Country

Step 2: Select Your Organization Type

Select whether your organization is an academic/nonprofit or industrial organization.

Step 3: Select Your Institution

Search for the full name of your institution using the dropdown list below. Please avoid using acronyms, abbreviations, or "the" when searching.

Step 4: Select Principal Investigator or Laboratory Head

Search for the full name of your PI or lab head using the dropdown list below.

Step 5: Enter Account Information

Create a user account by filling out the information below. indicates a required field.

Username must not be more than 150 characters. Letters, digits, and @/./+/-/_ only.

  • Between 10 – 64 characters
  • Cannot consist of only numbers
  • Cannot be similar to your username

Enter the same password as before, for verification.

Newsletter Subscription

Our quarterly newsletter features news about new initiatives at Addgene, descriptions of new technologies available from the repository, and discount codes for future plasmid requests. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter.

Transparency and Privacy Policy

Verify Account Information

Step 7: Please Verify And Submit Your Registration

To make changes, please use the back button and edit before submitting registration.

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