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Vector Database

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Vector database is a digital-only collection of vector backbone information compiled by Addgene from third party sources.

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This vector is not available from Addgene.

Plasmid: pOT182


Plasmid Type
Cloning Method
Integrating, self-cloning promoter probe vector. A mobilizable suicide plasmid that can be transferred to a broad range of Gram-negative bacteria. E. coli S17-1 contains an integrated derivative of RP4 and allows conjugative transfer of the vector. Transconjugants are identified by resistance to tetracycline and carbenicillin. In some strains, carbenicillin resistance may depend on transcription originating outside the transposon. This can provide a means for direct selection of recombinants in which the Tn has inserted downstream from an active promoter. Chromosomal DNA fragments adjacent to the inserted lacZ gene can be cloned following digestion with HindIII, SalI, SmaI or XhoI and religation of the vector. Fragments adjacent to the transposase can be cloned following digestion with BamHI, ClaI, EcoRI or SacI and religation. It should also be possible to clone DNA flanking both sides of the transposon using BglII. Religated vector can be transformed and propagated in any suitable E. coli, such as E. coli MC1061. The order of the major features in the plasmid is: IR - BamHI - lacZ(ClaI, SacI) - EcoRI - ampR - pMB1 ori - tetA - tetR(SalI, SmaI) - SmaI (2 sites) - tnp(HindIII, XhoI) - IR - BamHI - SalI - mob - cmlR(EcoRI) - ClaI - HindIII - gentamicinR. [1] Growth media: TB + amp (100 ug/ml) 30C Deposited by: I.L.Lamont Hosts: E.coli. (Information source: VectorDB ( ).)
Catalog Number