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Vector Database

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Vector database is a digital-only collection of vector backbone information compiled by Addgene from third party sources.

This vector is NOT available from Addgene and the database is no longer actively maintained.

This vector is not available from Addgene.

Plasmid: pCT-1


Plasmid Type
Bacterial Expression
Cloning Method
Bacterial Resistance
Ikehara, M. et al. PNAS. (1984) 81:5956-5960. A 0.5 kb DNA fragment carrying the intact trp promoter was extracted by HinfI digestion from E. coli plasmid DNA, ptrp ED 5-1. It was cloned into the unique EcoRI site of pBR322, using EcoRI linker. The upstream EcoRI site was cleaved by the enzyme and filled in with T4 DNA polymerase. Then, the remaining downstream EcoRI site was cleaved by EcoRI, followed by BAL-31 digestion to eliminate a sequence between the trpE-coding region and its Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence. A chemically synthesized Cla I linker d(A-A-T-C-G-A-T-T) was inserted just downstream of the SD sequence. Sequence of the relevant region in the resulting plasmid pCT-1 is shown in Fig. 2 of the reference. It has the trp promoter, the SD sequence for trpL (attenuator), along with another SD sequence of trpE in front of the Cla I linker, d(A-A-T-C-G-A-T-T). More information: Ikehara, M. et al. PNAS. (1984) 81:5956-5960.