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Biotagging of Specific Cell Populations in Zebrafish Reveals Gene Regulatory Logic Encoded in the Nuclear Transcriptome.
Trinh LA, Chong-Morrison V, Gavriouchkina D, Hochgreb-Hagele T, Senanayake U, Fraser SE, Sauka-Spengler T
Cell Rep. 2017 Apr 11;19(2):425-440. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.03.045.
PubMed Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose  
79878pMTB2-Avi-Cerulean-RanGAPBeta-actin2 promoter driving N-term Avi-tagged protein containing Cerulean protein fused to the carboxy-terminal domain of avian Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 (RanGap1); flanked by Tol2 sequences
79880pMTB2-Avi-Cerulean-Rpl10aBeta-actin2 promoter driving Avi-tagged protein containing Cerulean protein fused to zebrafish Rpl10a ribosomal unit (Tryon et al. 2012); flanked by Tol2 sequences
79881pMT-ubb-Avi-Cerulean-RanGAPUbiquitin promoter driving Avi-tagged protein containing Cerulean protein fused to the carboxy-terminal domain of avian Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 (RanGap1); flanked by Tol2 sequences
79882pMT-ubb-Avi-Cerulean-Rpl10aUbiquitin promoter driving Avi-tagged protein containing Cerulean protein fused to zebrafish Rpl10a ribosomal unit (Tryon et al. 2012); flanked by Tol2 sequences
79885pMT-ubb-cytoBirA-2a-mCherryUbiquitin promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA), a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and mCherry protein; flanked by Tol2 sequences
79886pMT-ubb-NLS-BirA-2a-mCherryUbiquitin promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA) with nuclear localization signal (NLS), a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and mCherry protein; flanked by Tol2 sequences
79887pGEM-cytoBirA-2A-mCherry-SV40pA-FKFDonor cassette containing HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA), a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), mCherry protein and SV40 polyA tail, followed by FRT site-flanked Kanamycin selection gene
79889pGEM-NLS-BirA-2A-mCherry-SV40pA-FKFDonor cassette containing HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA) with NLS, a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), mCherry protein and SV40 polyA tail, followed by FRT site-flanked Kanamycin selection gene
80056pMT-flk1-cytoBirA-2A-mCherry_RasFlk1/Kdrl promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA), a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80058pMT-MCS-cytoBirA-2A-mCherry_RasMCS for cloning promoter to drive HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA), a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80059pMT-MCS-NLS-BirA-2A-mCherry_RasMCS for cloning promoter to drive HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA) with NLS, a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80060pMT-myl7-cytoBirA-2A-mCherry_RasMyl7 promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA), a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80061pMT-myl7-NLS-BirA-2A-mCherry_RasMyl7 promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA) with NLS, a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80064pMT-zic2a-cytoBirA-2A-mCherry_RasZic2a promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA), a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80065pMT-zic2a-NLS-BirA-2A-mCherry_RasZic2a promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA) with NLS, a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80066pMTB2-cytoBirA-2A-mCherry_RasBeta-actin2 promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA), a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80067pMTB2-NLS-BirA-2A-mCherry_RasBeta-actin2 promoter driving HA-tagged biotin ligase (BirA) with NLS, a Thosea asigna virus peptide (2A), and membrane-tethered mCherry protein (membCherry); flanked by Tol2 sequences
80068pMTB2-RanGAP-Cerulean-AviBeta-actin2 promoter driving C-term Avi-tagged protein containing Cerulean protein fused to the carboxy-terminal domain of avian Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 (RanGap1); flanked by Tol2 sequences

Recombinant Antibodies from Article