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Human tumor genomics and zebrafish modeling identify SPRED1 loss as a driver of mucosal melanoma.
Ablain J, Xu M, Rothschild H, Jordan RC, Mito JK, Daniels BH, Bell CF, Joseph NM, Wu H, Bastian BC, Zon LI, Yeh I
Science. 2018 Nov 1. pii: science.aau6509. doi: 10.1126/science.aau6509.
PubMed Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose  
118840MiniCoopR U6:gRNA, mitfa:Cas9Targets a gene and expresses zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118841MiniCoopR U6:gRNA p53, mitfa:Cas9Targets tp53 and expresses zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118842MiniCoopR U6:gRNA cdkn2a, mitfa:Cas9Targets cdkn2a and expresses zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118843MiniCoopR U6:gRNA spred1, mitfa:Cas9Targets spred1 and expresses zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118844MiniCoopR 2xU6:gRNA, mitfa:Cas9Targets 2 genes and expresses zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118845MiniCoopR 2xU6:gRNA pten, mitfa:Cas9Targets ptena and ptenb and expresses zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118846MiniCoopR mitfa:BRAFExpresses human BRAF V600E mutant and zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118847MiniCoopR mitfa:NRASExpresses human NRAS Q61R mutant and zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118848MiniCoopR mitfa:KIT L576PExpresses human KIT L576P mutant and zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118849MiniCoopR mitfa:KIT K642EExpresses human KIT K642E mutant and zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118850MiniCoopR mitfa:EGFPExpresses EGFP and zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes
118851MiniCoopR mitfa:SPRED1Expresses human SPRED1 and zebrafish mitfa specifically in zebrafish melanocytes

Recombinant Antibodies from Article