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CreLite: An optogenetically controlled Cre/loxP system using red light.
Yen ST, Trimmer KA, Aboul-Fettouh N, Mullen RD, Culver JC, Dickinson ME, Behringer RR, Eisenhoffer GT
Dev Dyn. 2020 Nov;249(11):1394-1403. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.232. Epub 2020 Aug 31.
PubMed Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose  
131780pCS2+PIF6CreNMammalian, Zebrafish, or Xenopus expression of PIF6CreN, one half of the CreLite system
131781pCS2+PhyBΔCreCMammalian, Zebrafish, or Xenopus expression of PhyBΔCreC, one half of the CreLite system.
131782pME-CreLiteMiddle entry vector (Tol2 kit) with bi-cistronic CreLite system components, PhyBΔCreC and PIF6CreN, linked by P2A.
131783pTol2-CreLiteTol2 destination vector carrying Ubi:CreLite with mTagBFP2 as a visual marker.
131785pAAV-CreLiteAAV donor/transfer vector expressing CreLite system components, PhyBΔCreC and PIF6CreN, driven by CBh promoter
131786pLenti-CreLiteLentiviral vector expressing CreLite, driven by CBh peromoter
131787pTol2-PcyA-IRES-HO1Tol2 bicistronic vector expressing PcyA and HO1 for Phycocyanobilin (PCB) synthesis, driven by heatshock promoter hsp70.

Recombinant Antibodies from Article