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An optimized QF-binary expression system for use in zebrafish.
Burgess J, Burrows JT, Sadhak R, Chiang S, Weiss A, D'Amata C, Molinaro AM, Zhu S, Long M, Hu C, Krause HM, Pearson BJ
Dev Biol. 2020 Jul 19. pii: S0012-1606(20)30202-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2020.07.007.
PubMed Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose  
155113p5E-QUAS5x5' entry vector containing QUAS5x promoter element.
155114p5E-QUASM15' entry vector containing QUASM1 promoter element.
155115pME-QUAS5x:GFPNLS-SV40pAMiddle entry vector containing QUAS5x element upstream of GFP-NLS.
155116pME-QUASM1:GFPNLS-SV40pAMiddle entry vector containing QUASM1 element upstream of GFP-NLS.
155117pME-QF2w-SV40pAMiddle entry vector containing QF2w
155118pME-QFGal4-SV40pAMiddle entry vector containing QFGal4
155119pTol2CG2-ubi:QFGal4-SV40pATol2 vector for ubiquitous expression of QFGal4. Contains cmlc2:mRFP-SV40pA transgenesis marker
155120pTol2CG2-hsp70I:QFGal4-SV40pATol2 vector for heat-shock inducible expression of QFGal4. Contains cmlc2:mRFP-SV40pA transgenesis marker
155121pTol2CG2-acta1:QFGal4-SV40pATol2 vector for skeletal-muscle expression of QFGal4. Contains cmlc2:mRFP-SV40pA transgenesis marker
155122pTol2CG2-QUAS5x:GFPNLS-SV40pATol2 vector containing QUAS5x reporter element upstream of GFP-NLS. Includes cmlc2:mRFP-SV40pA transgenesis marker
155123pTol2CG2-QUASM1:GFPNLS-SV40pATol2 vector containing QUASM1 reporter element upstream of GFP-NLS. Includes cmlc2:mRFP-SV40pA transgenesis marker
155124pTol2CG2-QUASM1:mScarletNLS-SV40pATol2 vector containing QUASM1 reporter element upstream of mScarlet-NLS. Includes cmlc2:mRFP-SV40pA transgenesis marker
155125pTol2-ubi:loxP-mScarletNLS-SV40pA-loxp-QFGal4-SV40pATol2 vector containing Cre-inducible QFGal4-switch
155126pCS2-QFGal4-SV40pAIn vitro transcription of QFGal4 mRNA
155127pGTag-P2A-QFGal4-SV40pADonor for precise CRISPR directed genomic integration of QFGal4 using the GeneWeld method

Recombinant Antibodies from Article