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Functional diversification of hybridoma-produced antibodies by CRISPR/HDR genomic engineering.
van der Schoot JMS, Fennemann FL, Valente M, Dolen Y, Hagemans IM, Becker AMD, Le Gall CM, van Dalen D, Cevirgel A, van Bruggen JAC, Engelfriet M, Caval T, Bentlage AEH, Fransen MF, Nederend M, Leusen JHW, Heck AJR, Vidarsson G, Figdor CG, Verdoes M, Scheeren FA
Sci Adv. 2019 Aug 28;5(8):eaaw1822. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw1822. eCollection 2019 Aug.
PubMed Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose  
124802pHybr_r2a>mG1-srt-hisHDR template to knock-in mouse IgG1 Fc domain in rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with PX458-gR2A_ISO to convert rat IgG2a hybridoma to mouse IgG1 producing cell lines.
124803pHybr_r2a>mG2a-srt-hisHDR template to knock-in mouse IgG2a Fc domain in rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with PX458-gR2A_ISO to convert rat IgG2a hybridoma to mouse IgG2a producing cell lines.
124804pHybr_r2a>mG2b-srt-hisHDR template to knock-in mouse IgG2b Fc domain in rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with PX458-gR2A_ISO to convert rat IgG2a hybridoma to mouse IgG2b producing cell lines.
124805pHybr_r2a>mG3-srt-hisHDR template to knock-in mouse IgG3 Fc domain in rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with PX458-gR2A_ISO to convert rat IgG2a hybridoma to mouse IgG3 producing cell lines.
124806pHybr_r2a>mA-srt-hisHDR template to knock-in mouse IgA Fc domain in rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with PX458-gR2A_ISO to convert rat IgG2a hybridoma to mouse IgA producing cell lines.
124807pHybr_r2a>m2a(silent)-srt-hisHDR template to knock-in FC silent mIgG2a isotype in rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with PX458-gR2A_ISO to convert rat IgG2a hybridoma to FC silent producing cell lines.
124808PX458-gR2A_ISOVector for expression Cas9 with gRNA specific for rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with pHybr_r2a> plasmids to convert expression of rat IgG2a hybridomas to isotype of choice.
124810pHybr_r2a>Fab-srt-hisHDR template to knock-in sortag and histag in rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with PX459-gR2A_Hinge to convert rat IgG2a hybridoma to Fab' fragment producing cell lines.
124811PX459-gR2A_HingeVector for expression Cas9 with gRNA specific for rat IgG2a heavy chain locus. Use in combination with pHybr_r2a>Fab-srt-his plasmids to convert expression of hybridomas to Fab' fragments.

Recombinant Antibodies from Article