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An in vitro recombination method to convert restriction- and ligation-independent expression vectors.
Guo F, Chiang MY, Wang Y, Zhang YZ
Biotechnol J. 2008 Mar . 3(3):370-7.
PubMed Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose  
18667pBZ-attBtxnl4bcloning vector containing attB flanked TXNL4B useful for recombination based conversion of conventional vectors to Gateway compatible destination vectors
18668pEZY19pET19b converted Gateway Destination vector for expressing His tagged fusion proteins in bacteria. See note in comments section below regarding the mutated enterokinase site.
18669pEZYHbpKW32 converted Gateway Destination vector for expressing hemoglobin tagged fusion proteins in bacteria
18671pEZYegfppEGFPC4 converted Gateway Destination vector for expressing EGFP tagged fusion proteins in mammalian cells
18672pEZY3pcDNA3 converted Gateway Destination vector for mammalian expression
18700pEZYflagpFlag-CMV-2 converted Gateway Destination vector for expressing Flag tagged fusion proteins in mammalian cells
18701pEZYmyc-HispcDNA3.1(-)/Myc-His B converted Gateway Destination vector for expressing C-terminal myc-His tagged fusion proteins in mammalian cells
18703pEZYshuttlepShuttle-CMV converted Gateway Destination vector for AdEasy adenoviral vector system
18704pEZY45pJG4-5 converted Gateway Destination vector for yeast two-hybrid prey vector
18705pEZY202pEG202 converted Gateway Destination vector for yeast two-hybrid bait vector
18707pEZYpcipPIC3.5K converted Gateway Destionation vector for multiple copy integration of gene of interest into Pichia

Recombinant Antibodies from Article